Men’s Group for Father’s of Young Children
(Birth to 5 years old)
The focus of the Fathers’ Forum Men’s Group for Dads is to share and explore with a small group of dads (group limited to 7 men) our hopes, aspirations and disappointments of being fathers. We live in a culture that does not prepare us for the profound transition from “man to dad.”
The early years of parenting can be quite isolating if we don’t have other fathers to talk over our experiences with.
In our group we will explore the cultural and social myths of fatherhood, our relationships with our own fathers, changes in relationships with our partners, balancing career and family, changes in sexuality, expressing anger and frustration and the diversity of parenting styles.
I am semi-retired but from time to time I have an online
Fathers' Group ...email me if you have interest in participating in one.
Bruce Linton, MFT, Ph.D is a consulting therapist who has worked with
new and expectant for over 30 years. He is the Father of two children and grandfather to another two.
* Visit my youtube channel for fatherhood videos.
Best of The Fathers' Forum videos
At home video workshop and ebook:
Becoming a Dad, How Fatherhood Changes Men:
for Expectant and New Dads.
It is like having your own private dads group!