Bay Area Men’s Group for Father’s of Young Children
(Birth to 5 years old)
The focus of the Fathers’ Forum Men’s Group for Dads is to share and explore with a small group of dads (group limited to 7 men) our hopes, aspirations and disappointments of being fathers. We live in a culture that does not prepare us for the profound transition from “man to dad.”
The early years of parenting can be quite isolating if we don’t have other fathers to talk over our experiences with.
In our group we will explore the cultural and social myths of fatherhood, our relationships with our own fathers, changes in relationships with our partners, balancing career and family, changes in sexuality, expressing anger and frustration and the diversity of parenting styles.
Ongoing Group for 2024
Groups meets 7:00pm- 8:30pm (Pacific Standard Time) every other Thursday evening. Group alternates between online and in-person in Berkeley.
Cost $120 per month. We ask that after attending the first session you to make a commitment for 3 months. (Total of 6 sessions).
Jason Brand, LCSW is a psychotherapist in Berkeley, California. In his private practice, he works with men and couples. Jason lives in Berkeley with his wife of 20 years and their two teenage daughters.
Chandler Hoffman, PsyD began his career working for the Superior Court of California where he provided custody mediation and helping co-parents resolve conflict. His private practice, which he calls Amity Consulting, provides services to individuals, parents and children as well as co-parents. Dr. Hoffman has been married for 25 years and has 2 adult children and is excited to offer support and facilitation to this community of father’s. through the Fathers’ Forum.
* Visit our youtube channel for our fatherhood videos.
Best of The Fathers' Forum videos
At home video workshop and ebook:
Becoming a Dad, How Fatherhood Changes Men:
for Expectant and New Dads.
It is like having your own private dads group!
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